Learn more about me
An International Student from INDIA coming to the USA to fulfill his big dream of revolutionizing the Tech Industry.
I'm a sophomore computer science student with a strong foundation in programming languages like Python, C++, and C. . I am actively participating in student organizations like ISO and IEEE.org, showing ability to work in teams. With my passion in computer science & business administration, I aim to leverage my career in a Software Engineering and Entrepreneurship.
Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL
Honors Student.
International House Scholarship.
Intramural Sports Champion in Soccer.
Active member in IEEE.org
Parth School of Science and Competition, Vadodara, India
GPA - 3.14
Professional Experience
Remote, Long Island City, NewYork
Remote, Cleveland, Ohio
On-Site, Jacksonville, AL
My Projects
Developed the OoTD (Outfit of The Day) app during the AI ATL Hackathon, leveraging OpenAI's DALL-E 3 model to generate trending fashion images. Participated in the NLX.ai sponsor track by creating a customer support bot that also provides personalized fashion advice.
This app is built with Next.js and utilizes the Gemini API for generating flashcards. Clerk is used for sign-in and sign-up, while Firebase securely stores the saved flashcards. Stripe handles smooth payment processing for the pro subscription. Users can generate flashcards by providing text on a topic and save them to their accounts, with data stored in Firebase
This app is built with Next.js and utilizes the Gemini API Key. It is deployed live on Vercel. It provides tailored exercises that target specific muscles, along with recovery guidance and precautions to follow during workouts.
This app is developed using Next.js with Firebase as the backend and is deployed live on Vercel. It allows you to add and remove items, and includes a search bar to help you find the items you need.
This tutoring system is built entirely in C++, designed to teach Python from basic to advanced levels. We have also included quizzes to ensure learners become confident in their Python skills.
This billing system, developed in C++, is designed to generate receipts for tuition and other school-related expenses. Each receipt is saved using the person's enrollment number and name for easy reference.
Contact Me
700 Pelham Road North, Jacksonville, AL 36265